Dr James Ohene-Djan

I am co-founder of Winkball Video Media. WinkBall is the British new media company that specialises in capturing the public’s passion for events as they happen using their worldwide network of video reporters.

WinkBall Video Media launched in August 2009 after three years of R&D. It’s aim was to create the best online and mobile platforms for communicating using video…

Alongside this platform, WinkBall created a worldwide network of over 300 video reporters.

WinkBall reporters are used to provide video content generation and video interviewing services.

Became one of the worlds largest producers of video interviews and video content. It created a range of video technologies, production facilities, interactive systems and mobile apps for users.

www.winkball.com is a social media platform that enables users to watch video interviews, send video messages and create video walls 30 million videos have been viewed on www.winkball.com WinkBall Reporter

WinkBall reporters have researched and recorded at over 5000 events across the UK, USA, India and South Africa

This video content is uploaded to video walls and shared via social media 1.6 million videos indexed on Google

Video interviews by reporters at events guarantee quality, user generated content

Interactive video walls, event montages, web TV and viral clips are then shared via WinkBall, Twitter, Facebook, newspapers, blogs, brand sites, fan sites...

Offer the unique ability of being able to “capture the passion as it happens”

Letting people “have their say” on video makes them feel valued and happy


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